My new flat screen TV!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Turn on

I was here, but now I'm gone,
I left this note to turn you on!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

cleaning crazy day!

I will tell you all it is amazing how those little Mr. Clean erasers work! I cleaned my kitchen this morning and my son-11 years old helped, well he used an eraser on my cupboards and floor, they had some scuff marks, some on my floor were black, I think from running shoes from my other son's shoes. Well wow it took some elbow grease on my son's part-but the floors look great where all the marks were! I am finally starting to get some cleaning done! I turned the music up loud put my bandanna over my hair, took my allergy pill, and 4 hours later I was done the kitchen/dining area and the living room! Really great!! I am doing laundry all day too, soooo much bed linens during the winter, seems the kids drag blankets everywhere they go, even though the house is 22 all the time! I am glad I have that all done, but doesn't it seem that you just get it all done, then a few hours later it just starts all over again! I am frustrated! Oh well, tomorrow's another day!

I am going to go pay some bills online, watch a movie, have a hot bath and read a good book that I have been meaning to start-that or put together a puzzle that I bought way before Christmas to get it done so I can hang it up! I bought it because it is a country scene and my kitchen is very country and I am gluing it together afterwards, then hanging it on my wall! Well off I go-to have some time to myself! First I am tucking the kids in bed to thoroughly enjoy it! Ta ta for now!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Inventory all done, and what a week this week was too!

Oh my goodness, I was sooo tired after that inventory last week. I had put in 61 hours! All in 5 days, and yes all on my feet too! That is the hardest part, it's not like we have the chance to sit between stops, or sit at a computer, or whatever, we are walking or kneeling on cement ALL DAY long! What long days they were too! Well whatever, it went off and done with a couple of minor glitches-but that's okay cause it wasn't anything that couldn't get fixed and was caught in time! Not bad for my first inventory-and only one month since my promotion too! Pretty happy about it all-I really do have all my staff to thank for that really though-they are all great. I have a couple that I have to be after-but hey they are young and hopefully they realize that they should grow up a bit before it's too late. Oh well-life's like that-a roller coaster!

I am pretty excited too because we had christmas with the in-laws 2 weeks ago in Peterborough-and that was great fun too. Wow we got pretty spoiled there! I was in scrapbook heaven-I received a box full of scrap booking supplies.....a photo album, some antique looking papers, some stickers to match, and lots of little odds and ends that I sure can use anywhere! It was great fun! We of course ended with our traditional wrapping paper fight-and stuffing of the kids pants, this is always a great picture opportunity!

I have bought some more earring stuff to make everyday earrings, I am going to get started on making them this weekend, whenever I get a chance between loads of laundry and grocery shopping. I can't wait to get started though-my greatest treasure was these little red hats, I am going to make them into earrings for the ladies at the red hat society clubs, my mother-in-law has joined that and I think I can make a mint from them there!

Well time to get off here and switch loads yet again-I really hate the folding and putting away part, I don't mind throwing it in the washer and switching and even the taking out of the dryer, but the folding is my absolute least favorite!

Till next time folks-take care of yourselves, and your own.

at the river side

at the river side