My new flat screen TV!

Friday, January 26, 2007


I am soooo totally done with inventory! I loved all the challenges of it all! 2 things were boo-boo'd, but not huge things, so that is okay! One was that there was only about 100 chocolate bars under the chocolate bar racks, should have been dusted underneath so we can get them all-so for future note-NO -absolutely-NO over filling chocolate bars! I think I found the whole bunny under there, never mind the dust bunny! Also we counted a box in the back room as 2/$1.00 item and it was $1 each-so we were out by $6, not bad at all though! I was sooo happy with the workers work they had done, very very impressed. Some even surprised me how much they learned in 2 days time! Everyone was willing to stay till the bitter end-and we thought that would be at around 12am, but they were pretty much done at 8pm! Sooooo glad too-nice! I was home shortly after 10 after all the paper work was done. Another fun and cool day at the office that's forsure! I am glad it only happens once a year!

Well tomorrow is a day off! I am happy about this-last weekend we were gone away all weekend-so it was go go go, so this one is for me-relax a bit, and get a bit of things done around here that I want done! Well tomorrow me and hubby are going for a sleigh ride, sliding, dinner and drinks in a cabin. Always a nice time there! Can't wait-might even have a couple of drinks-never know!

My biggest thing I would like to get done this weekend is a bit of organizing in my scrapbooking/computer room! I want to be able to use this space!!! Right now I am lucky I could find my way to the computer I have sooo much boxes of papers, craft things, avon stuff and lots of other things as well to put away. I need the show clean sweep to come into this room-that would be really cool-but only problem is I don't want to throw anything away-I have an addiction-I am a pack rat-hey I might need it some day you know!

Well have a great weekend-my kids are spending the night at their grandparents place, so I am going to either go crank the music loud and dance around naked, or cuddle up with some popcorn and a movie, or maybe a good book and a drink in a hot bath-hMMmm so many choices so little time to choose!!!

Have a great weekend you all-and take care of yourselves!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Crazy day blues!

I had one heck of a day today. I think it was because it started oh soooo early-like 4:30am! I was dressed, showered and ready to go to work at 6am! I was sitting at Timmy's at 6:30am and not working until 8am! Hum drum huh? Well anyways at work we had soooo much to do and so very little time to do it in too! We had 4 skids to put out, and some yet left from the day before. There were only 2 of us to put it out too! Wow what a day! I am tired!
Now I have been sitting here for 2 hours trying to figure out these crazy Mp3's the kids got from christmas. I can't get it-just can't!!!!! I have gotten as far as downloading some mp3's that we have on cd-but that's it-can't figure out how to get those little songs to jump into that little grey box! Help!~
Well my eyes are so bugged out from reading all these instructions that I can't understand!
Oh I had the please of promoting a young gentleman at the store yesterday, made his day I think! It was the most fun I have had since becoming manager, besides getting the store into shape again! I can't wait till inventory is over with though-sooooo much to do and not enough hours to do it all in either!
Well gotta run-going to go watch a movie with kids-talk soon-tata for now-Barb

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Dull and boring day today.

I would tell you lots of exciting things that I did today, but hey, that would be a lie! I will tell you what I did though, and maybe you can tell me if it is as boring as I think it was, but you know what? It sure as heck beats being at work today, I just needed a "nothing to do day" I really did! I slept until 11am-yes 11! I wasn't really in a deep sleep until then, but slept really really good until at least 9. I was so excited about sleeping past 7! I have been sick for over a week now, and I am feeling worse as it is breaking up. I feel totally drained. When I woke up at 11 I folded some laundry and had lunch with the kids. At 12 I went back in to the bedroom to wake hubby up=he works until 4am, but I knew he didn't want to sleep the whole day away. We layed in bed and just talked for awhile until he was totally awake and ready to move. We then went into the living room and watched Smokey and the Bandit number 2 on dvd, then watched number 3 as well. Hubby didn't get to finish watching it has he had to go into work again for 4pm. The kids and myself then had some supper when the movie was over. Then we went and cleaned their rec-room downstairs. We then came back upstairs and watched yet another movie, Liar Liar with Jim Carrey. What a movie! Now I am online and kids all tucked in. Pretty boring huh-=movies and cleaning up! Well I won't keep ya any longer, cause you know.... I have sooooo much things to do! I just don't have the energy to do any of them!! LOL-chat soon!

Friday, January 5, 2007

Here I am, take me as I am!

I know, I know, it's been a week-I really suck! Well no actually I was sick this week! When I wasn't dragging my ass into work I was either in the hot steamy tub, or in bed! I am glad I did come online tonight though-hey Ch@d and hey Tara! Welcome to my nutty blog, where if I say anything bad about anyone, please do forgive me, I am probably just PMS ing-honestly! I have issues, some I just have to rant and rave about, it helps with the process, well this is what my shrink tells me anyways. I have cut down from 4 visits a week to only 2!! It really has nothing at all to do with him not wanting to see me more, that is what he told me, should I believe that?? Hmmm.....
I have definite issues today about smells..... My nose hairs have smells implanted in them tonight! I was going to try spraying febreeze up my nose until the kids reminded me that they were watching me! What do I do?? Can I rub some nair on it and then remove it all?? Ya brb-gotta try bottle, said not to use on face dammit, my nose is part of my face!!! The reason that I want my nose gone is because the backroom at my work STINKS! We called a plumber because we think it is rotting food in the P trap of the taps, but heck, it smells like something DIED in there! It smells like really really dirty, sweaty feet! Okay sweaty feet that have been put into an oven to cook on 350 degrees for an hour!!! We had the mall maintenance guy come and look at it, he put some cleaning stuff down there, but all it did for an hour was make it smell like pretty, flowery stinky feet!! I will keep you updated on that situation!
I watched the movie Johnny English today, anyone watch that?? Oh talk about funny! I love Rowan Atkinson though! I love stupid funny-it is great to laugh at someone other than myself for once! If anyone has any good movies they have watched lately please let me know, I would love to hear a little about it, then I could rent it for my movie night with my boys-thanks a million!
I am off the weekend, and I plan on using it wisely, of course I won't get done everything I want to, because it never ever works out that way! I want to get my craft room organized finally so I can show it off! I have soooo much stuff that I need ideas on how to organize it and display it all. I bought baskets, I bought peg board, I have cork board, I have some magnetic strips for the wall, I mean I have lots of things to use, but need a professional! I am thinking on calling in Clean Sweep Crew from TLC, but you know what they'd do with my stuff don't you? That's right, they'd make me go from having 10 totes of scrapbooking supplies to 4, or from having 6 totes of yarn to 2 or something crazy like that. Heck I just want them to organize the stuff I have. Heck I even have bought 6 books on organization, but they haven't helped because I put them somewhere.....somewhere in this crazy room! 911====help!!!!!!!!! I am trapped, I can't get to my crafts, can't find my crafts, heck I can't even see my craft table here! Lucky I can find my computer in here!
Well off I go-not sure where to start-but for me I am going to check out a website I heard sooooo much about from a great friend of mine, Carrie-it is called I am going to see if it gets me motivated or not, I need all the help I can get. Maybe I can get some of my workers from work, pretend to be having a party,,,, yeah party, and okay I might have to slip a little something into the punch before I drop the bomb that it isn't really a house warming party, but a house cleaning party!! Hey-could happen! Until next time my friends-take care of yourself, and each other-that sure sounds familiar-noooooooooo I don't watch Jerry Springer!! Get out of here! Well see you-I got to go do my pole dance to get warmed up-bye bye

at the river side

at the river side