My new flat screen TV!

Friday, January 26, 2007


I am soooo totally done with inventory! I loved all the challenges of it all! 2 things were boo-boo'd, but not huge things, so that is okay! One was that there was only about 100 chocolate bars under the chocolate bar racks, should have been dusted underneath so we can get them all-so for future note-NO -absolutely-NO over filling chocolate bars! I think I found the whole bunny under there, never mind the dust bunny! Also we counted a box in the back room as 2/$1.00 item and it was $1 each-so we were out by $6, not bad at all though! I was sooo happy with the workers work they had done, very very impressed. Some even surprised me how much they learned in 2 days time! Everyone was willing to stay till the bitter end-and we thought that would be at around 12am, but they were pretty much done at 8pm! Sooooo glad too-nice! I was home shortly after 10 after all the paper work was done. Another fun and cool day at the office that's forsure! I am glad it only happens once a year!

Well tomorrow is a day off! I am happy about this-last weekend we were gone away all weekend-so it was go go go, so this one is for me-relax a bit, and get a bit of things done around here that I want done! Well tomorrow me and hubby are going for a sleigh ride, sliding, dinner and drinks in a cabin. Always a nice time there! Can't wait-might even have a couple of drinks-never know!

My biggest thing I would like to get done this weekend is a bit of organizing in my scrapbooking/computer room! I want to be able to use this space!!! Right now I am lucky I could find my way to the computer I have sooo much boxes of papers, craft things, avon stuff and lots of other things as well to put away. I need the show clean sweep to come into this room-that would be really cool-but only problem is I don't want to throw anything away-I have an addiction-I am a pack rat-hey I might need it some day you know!

Well have a great weekend-my kids are spending the night at their grandparents place, so I am going to either go crank the music loud and dance around naked, or cuddle up with some popcorn and a movie, or maybe a good book and a drink in a hot bath-hMMmm so many choices so little time to choose!!!

Have a great weekend you all-and take care of yourselves!

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at the river side

at the river side