My new flat screen TV!

Friday, December 1, 2006

kids cookie recipe

Well another crazy day at that crazy mall and dollar store! It was red friday today, and I am very disappointed in all my fellow workers, there were 4 of them with no red on! I think even if I didn't own a stitch of red I would wear pink or burgundy or buy a red hat scarf, something! I wear my hubby's shirt! Hey it shows we care right?

I am off this weekend to Ottawa for hubby's big christmas party-I cannot wait! It is always a lot of fun. We get a room and make a weekend out of it, very nice, it is really enjoyed by the two of us! It is unfortunately a really bad today weather wise, so I hope tomorrow brings some nicer weather for our travels! I just have some packing to do tonight and we are off in the morning.

I cannot wait till this crazy Christmas season is over though, people really do go nuts I think. They really do forget what the reason for the season is for. They push, shove and grab things out of each other's hands, they jump in front of others at the registers, they even have been taking out of other's carts! I seen that yesterday a woman took some tins out of another ones cart! They are impatient and not nice to you when they get to the cash but expect you to be really nice and smile at them. You wish them a merry christmas and they get mad because it's not politically correct. I am sorry but you are buying christmas things mame so i figured I could say it! Crazy people, then they get to your cash even though they are in a hurry they count every last penny just to realize that they are 3 cents short and make sure to say that hoping you'll do what???? Throw money in for them-hey after my 10 cent raise a year people I refuse to throw 3 cents of it in for every second or third customer cause they "almost made it!". People are crazy as I said! Sorry just had to let loose on that one-it is one thing that utterly frustrates the hell out of me!

Well as promised a nice recipe of the day, there will be no post tomorrow as I am partying away tomorrow! Hope you all have a great weekend-remember only 24 days till the big day and until it's all over!

Kids cookies; 350 degrees till brown

cream; 1 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
add and mix; 2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
2 cups flour
1 cup oatmeal
1 cup coconut
1 cup rice krispies
Form into balls and flatten with floured fork. Enjoy-these are great and you can add nuts or chocolate chips if preferred, but definately not needed.

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at the river side

at the river side